Professional Development Workshops
- Learn about the various tools at your disposal in Google Drive.
Learn about the functionality of Google Drive.
Access instructional videos on various Google Drive tools.
Access examples of well designed Google Docs.
- Learn how to use a free stop motion program on your computer
See projects that used stop motion video
Access resources to help you make stop motion vide
- Learn how create your own content lecture videos or how-to videos
- See examples of content lecture videos & how-to videos
- Watch instructional videos on how to make your own screen cast video
- Access resources to help you make your own screencast video
- Create a free video recording website.
- See examples of how a video recording website was used.
- Watch instructional videos to learn how to make your own video recording website.
- Learn how to make a green screen video with iMovie.
- See an example of green screen videos used in a project.
- Watch an instructional video of how to use green screen in iMovie.